Sunday, March 30, 2014


God will direct our ministry outreach through visions (Acts 16:9) And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. 

Last year, early in the morning I saw in a dream a window with huge letters in it, which I was not able to make out because the words were to big for the window, "AVEN", was all I saw. As I thought about the word being to large for the window to make out and wanting to know what it said I went closer.  I then saw them all and when I spoke the words, "HEAVEN ON EARTH", everything changed and I was in the window now and seeing people who were sick. As I looked at each person, the Holy Spirit would show me what illness that person had with the type of sickness stamped on them and I would say out loud the sickness the person had and they were healed. I then woke up and was excited, knowing that this was something I needed to know more  about.

While asking the Lord about this vision/dream, He showed me in the Spirit a vision of a small area and then I saw an explosion. Well, He had my attention, at that point.  I went to the computer and googled "HEALING EXPLOSION". There was a healing video (below) of  Joan Hunter Ministry, training others with the "Healing the Whole Man" and then a video (below) with Charles and Frances Hunter talking about a "Healing Explosion".  I didn't even know their of their healing ministry till now, wow, a wonderful ministry.   

Joan Hunter has been involved in the healing ministry for over thirty years. Along with her parents, Charles and Frances Hunter, she has ministered to thousands of people in the area of physical healings. She has traveled the world, laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover. God has expanded her ministry to include total healing-body, soul, and spirit.  Joan is married to Kelley Murrell and lives in Pinehurst, Texas. She has four grown daughters, her husband has four sons, and she is a grandmother. She co-pastored a church in Dallas for eighteen years until 1999, giving her a wide range of experience in the ministry. She is also the author of Healing the Whole Man Handbook. God has healed Joan in every area of her life. She encourages others that they can lay hands on the sick and see them recover. The healing power of God is not reserved for just a few, but for those who believe. Joan encourages you not to give up on your dreams and visions, but to fulfill the destiny that God has for you.

Legendary figures in the body of Christ, Charles and Frances Hunter were known around the world as two of the most anointed and energetic evangelists on earth. The Happy Hunters, as they were affectionately dubbed, ministered in 49 nations around the world; everywhere, including the United States, they witnessed awesome healings. In one service in Bogotá, Colombia, they saw 100 people get out of wheelchairs in an incredible display of the power of God. 

Charles and Frances Hunter made famous what are known as "Healing Explosions," large–scale, citywide campaigns in which the key focus is to pray for the sick to be healed. Countless thousands have been saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit through their ministry. Many thousands have been trained to heal the sick, thus multiplying the healing message like liquid gold spreading across the globe.

"This is not the day of the the superstar anymore...This is the hour, this is the day of the believer...This is what God is saying to the Body of Christ, Rise up!,  Rise up! and be the kind of people that I have called you to be.  How many of you are ready to be the kind of people God wants you to be?"  ~Frances Hunter

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