Saturday, July 13, 2024


The word "saturate" means to permeate or soak something thoroughly until it can't hold or absorb any more. For example, a sponge absorbs water, and similarly, people can absorb God, resulting in saturation. To be "saturated in the glory of God" could mean to fill one's life with God's presence and ways, or to be "soaked" in God to the point of being as full as possible. 

The more you immerse yourself in God's Word and allow His truth to renew your mind, the more you will readily recognize the lies of the enemy and reject them. God's Word is full of power. It penetrates to the deepest parts of our soul to expose, sift and discern the thoughts, purposes and intentions of our hearts.

We need to read it, study it, and apply it to our lives. We need to memorize key verses that will help us stay focused on the things God wants us to do in his world. As a direct result, our converterlating is influenced by our understanding and application of what we internalize from the Bible.

To be saturated with the Holy Spirit means that we are open to new works, new beginnings and being made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5.17). To be saturated with the Holy Spirit means we seek ways of peace, healing and hope to shape our lives.

How to be Saturated in Prayer?

Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God's wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ. Spiritually, being saturated means to be filled with God's presence and power, or to "soak" in God to the point of being as full as one can be. The word "saturate" means to permeate or soak something thoroughly until it can't hold or absorb any more. 

Being open to God's will

Seeking the freedom of being God's child

Being aware of God's work in one's life and the lives of others

Walking in Jesus' ways

Serving from a place of weakness

Living in the power of the Spirit

Immersing oneself in God's Word