Thursday, August 13, 2020

What Is the Biblical Meaning of Number 111 or 1111?

I have been seeing 1:11 and 11:11 numerous times lately and decided to research it and this is what I found.

What Is the Biblical Meaning of Number 111?  When we talk about the biblical meaning of number 111, we have to take into account the meaning of number 11.

There is no doubt that number 11 is a very interesting number that is mentioned in the Bible a lot of times. Not only is 11 the number of transition, but it is also the number of revelation. This number was mentioned for the first time in the Bible in Genesis 32:22.

Actually, it is said that Jacob was going on a journey with his 11 sons and with his wives. In the verse 22 in the Bible it is said that Jacob was visited by an angel and there was a fight between them the whole night. Of course, we can see clearly that the verse 22 is actually made up of numbers 11 x 2.

The 11th son of Jacob and his wife Rachel was Joseph, so number 11 is usually considered to be the number of Joseph.

We have also to say that number 11 is mentioned during the revelation time and it has something to do with the expansion of the God’s Kingdom on our planet.

In a biblical sense number 111 represents the Holy Trinity, in which we can actually recognize three aspects of God. Number 111 is also used as a symbol of the Sky, while according to the Tarot, 111 is represented as a solar number.

There are 89 chapters in the four Gospels and also 22 chapters in the Revelation of John, so if we have the sum of all those chapters, we have that 89 + 22 gives 111. It is clear that the total number of chapters, both in the Gospels and in the Revelation of John, is 111.

However, there are also many other interesting facts related to the Bible and number 111. During the Jesus’ crucifixion, there were 111 soldiers from Rome. Actually, there were 100 soldiers, 10 knights and 1 commander, so we have that the total number of soldiers was 111.

There is also another biblical perspective, in which we can see that number 111 is actually a multiple of a triad of some numbers, for example 666 and 777, that have also a lot of meanings in the Bible.

You have seen some of the most important places in the Bible where we can see that numbers 11 and 111 are mentioned. After seeing all this, we can conclude that 111 is a number of uniqueness, leadership and independence.

As you could see, number 1111 is composed of number 11 that is repeating twice, so the first thing we will say is when number 11 was mentioned in the Bible for the first time. Actually, it was in Genesis 32:22, at the moment when Jacob travels together with his 11 sons and his wives to the land where he was born.

Another fact related to number 11 is that the 11th son of Jacob was Joseph and his birth is explained in the Bible. In Luke 11:11 it was discovered that the Father was not mean as he was represented in the Old Testament. This was the new revelation that Jesus Christ released and it was usually called the transitional revelation.

Why Are You Seeing Number 1111?

According to the Bible, number 1111 is considered to be a symbol of a wake up call and spiritual awakening. If this number enters your life and if you see it everywhere, it is a sign that God is calling you. It is necessary to find your spiritual path and to you need to focus more on your spiritual growth. 

Another biblical meaning of number 11, as well as the meaning of number 1111, is transition. It means that the period of big changes is coming to you and you will have to awake in a spiritual sense. If you look more deeply into the symbolism of this number, you will get to know that this is a way God is trying to speak to you, regardless of whether you are a believer or not.

However, most biblical explanations are based on the fact that 1111 number is a wake up call that we receive direct from God. That’s why you should never ignore this number when it takes place in your life, but you should accept it with all your heart. God will send you number 1111 in order to offer you salvation. This number will help you create a strong and stable relationship with God.

If number 1111 is appearing all the time in your surroundings and if you cannot explain this phenomenon, then you will have many questions in your head. It is possible that you are feeling confused or maybe afraid because you don’t know what the appearance of number 1111 in your life can mean.

If you see number 1111 a couple of times in front of you, then know that you can receive the assistance and help from your guardian angels. Also, Seeing number 1111 a couple of times is a clear sign because there must be something important that God has to tell you.  One thing is for sure – number 1111 is not a coincidence, but it is an important sign that God has sent to you.  Anyway, you should know that 1111 number means that God has chosen you and he wants to tell you something that could be important for you. 

Watch for New Revelation

Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Luke 11:11 NIV

In Luke 11:11, Jesus releases new revelation that the Father is not mean or judgmental, as portrayed in the Old Testament. This is an example of transitional revelation.Watch for God to provide deeper revelation about who He is and our calling to love the world.

Sometimes, we can be truly lost in our pursuit of spirituality if we forget who and what we are after. All that we do and are in our relationship with God is completely meaningless if there is the absence of not just one, but a series of continual revelation of who God is!

Without revelation, we are like the crowds who followed Jesus aimlessly, applauding the miracles and healing as mere spectators. However, with a revelation, we are like Peter, who knew exactly who Jesus was, and followed Him for that reason, and not just for what He did.

Practically speaking, a revelation involves many aspects, like hearing from God, receiving visions, prophecies or divine communication in or through direct or indirect medium. Here are a few keys to receiving your personal and direct revelation of Jesus Christ into your own life!

1. Pray Specifically Seeking a Revelation

Most times, our prayers are only supplications or are need based.

Here’s what Jesus said in John 16:12-15 (NLT): “There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, ‘The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.'”

We need to pray asking the Holy Spirit to give us more of Heaven’s downloads everyday. Do you believe this promise of the Holy Spirit speaking to you in detail regarding all matters concerning the truth? If yes, claim for the same in prayer everyday!

2. Soak Continually in the Word of God

In a pursuit of a revelation from God, we need a standard to adhere to, lest we believe anything and everything that comes your way, and end up getting deceived. It is essential that we soak our mind in the word of God, so that the Holy Spirit can use the scriptures to reveal God’s heart to us.

Psalm 119:105 (NLT)
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

May this be on your mind continually. Do not stray from the path of God’s word to pursue vain fantasies or ridiculous theories in the name of revelations.

3. Meditate on Godly Things Continually

Here’s a word of advice from Apostle Paul, Philippians 4:8 (NLT) “…Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

When we do so, we’ll see how our meditation on things that are good yield results and revelations that last for a lifetime. It should be a principle our minds should get trained to follow-to continually meditate and ponder on things from above.

4. Submit Yourself to Leaders Who Have a Greater Revelation of God

We see in the Old Testament how Joshua submitted under the authority of Moses all through the years in the wilderness. And when it was time, God spoke to Joshua directly! His humility to remain under Moses’ leadership qualified him for a revelation from God, as opposed to Miriam and Aaron who had failed to yield to Moses’ authority.

There is a blessing and honor that flows into your life through submission, and inheritance of a part of every thing that your leader has experienced.

5. Obey and Abide in the Revelation You Have Already Received

The one reason God often stops revealing Himself more to a person is because he/she hasn’t submitted and lived in the revelation that he/she has previously received. That was the reason why the Holy Spirit departed from Saul, as also the reason why Samuel refused to see Saul ever again after he disobeyed God.

Is there anything that God expects you to do through His prior revelations to you, which you have been procrastinating? Inspect the history of your walk with God. Oftentimes, the cause for his silence is our disobedience!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Ruach HaKodesh / The Glory Cloud

While in prayer with a "GRACE FOR PURPOSE PRAYER" video and riding on my exercise bike, I began praying along with conviction and agreement with the prayer and feeling the Holy Spirit's presence. I  had the window open enjoying the Morning fresh air and had a view of the Smokies, which had the usual movement of fog in the valleys that I have viewed in the mornings before.  While in prayer, I glanced over to the window again and was surprised to see that the view was now fog and coming in my window. A thought came to mind which was "Is that the Glory Cloud I've heard people talk about?"  When I had opened the window earlier there was not a cloud in sight, and it stayed while I was praying. When I did finish praying and being thankful by raising my hands, I glanced at the window and it was gone. I was in Awe of the whole experience and praised and thanked the Lord for the Holy Spirit's presence through out the prayer.

James 1:17 Every gift[a] God freely gives us is good and perfect,[b] streaming down from the Father of lights,[c] who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness[d] and is never subject to change.
[a] James 1:17 Or “legacy.”
[b] James 1:17 The Aramaic word used here, mshamlaita, means “complete, wholesome, abundant, sufficient, enough, and perfect.”
[c] James 1:17 Jesus calls us the light of the world (Matt. 5:14-16) and Paul describes believers as “shining lights” (Phil. 2:15) in this world. God is our Father, he created angels but he brought us into new birth. The Greek word anōthen (“from above”) is used by Jesus in describing to Nicodemus that we are born from above. We are lights born from above. See also John 3:7.
[d] James 1:17 Or “shadow of turning.” The implication is there is nothing that you will find wrong with God, nothing in him that could even remotely appear to be evil hiding. The more you get to know him the more you realize how beautiful and holy he is.
The Passion Translation (TPT)

John 3:7 “You shouldn’t be amazed by my statement,[a] ‘You must be born from above!’[b]
[a] John 3:7 Or “say to you all.”
[b] John 3:7 A common poetic form of Hebraic teaching is to use a play on words, which Jesus utilizes in this poetic masterpiece with multiple words containing dual meanings. The word reborn can also be translated “born from above.”
The Passion Translation (TPT)

John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father and he will give you another[a] Savior,[b] the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be to you a friend just like me—and he will never leave you. The world won’t receive him because they can’t see him or know him. But you will know him intimately, because he will make his home in you and will live inside you.[c]
[a] John 14:16 The Greek word allos means “another of the same kind.” As Jesus is the Savior from the guilt of sin, the Holy Spirit is the Savior who saves us from the power of sin by living through us in fullness.
[b] John 14:16 The Greek word used here is paráklētos, a technical word that could be translated “defense attorney.” It means “one called to stand next to you as a helper.” Various translations have rendered this “Counselor,” “Comforter,” “Advocate,” “Encourager,” “Intercessor,” or “Helper.” However none of these words alone are adequate and fall short in explaining the full meaning. The translator has chosen the word Savior, for it depicts the role of the Holy Spirit to protect, defend, and save us from our self and our enemies and keep us whole and healed. He is the One who guides and defends, comforts and consoles. Keep in mind that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ, our Savior. The Aramaic word is paraqleta, which is taken from two root words: (1) praq, “to end, finish, or to save,” and (2) lyta, which means “the curse.” What a beautiful word picture, the Holy Spirit comes to end the work of the curse (of sin) in our lives and to save us from its every effect! Paraqleta means “a redeemer who ends the curse.” (See Strong’s Concordance, Gr. 6561 and 6562; A Compendious Syriac Dictionary, p. 237; and Oraham’s Dictionary, p. 250.)
[c] John 14:16 Jesus is prophesying about the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, who will indwell every believer. (See Acts 2)
The Passion Translation (TPT)