Thursday, May 23, 2019

In a Dream I Met Warring Angels

In a dream, I saw shadows of men with army rifles moving back and forth as if searching for people in a war zone and knew I was in another country.  I did hear shots which put fear in me and I turned around to run and I saw three people dressed in white scrubs, who quickly told me to come with them.  They lead me away from the fighting.  As we were running I was trying to keep up with them, and had the thought "They are really fast!". They then turned quickly onto another block and I saw a big white vehicle and had the thought that it looked like a very extravagant ambulance-military vehicle, and the thought of it being a Presidential vehicle.  The men made it to the Van and then disappeared, along with the vehicle, and  I yelled out, "Hey, don't leave me!"  I stopped and was crying at first, and then I spoke with confidence, "Those were Angels, and they helped me!" and woke relieved that I was alright.  I wrote the details down and thought about how it was a very scary situation to be in.  Later that day, I was listening to the news and they were talking about happenings in Israel another country and it was not good.  As I listened, I thought of the dream, and  felt the need to intercede for our Country and President, knowing  it had been a warning dream so I prayed through the day.

Many people believe angels have played a significant role in keeping them safe during difficult situations. These stories and promises in the Word find a way into our hearts sparking faith and hope in God, who shows how much He cares by charging His angels to keep us safe.

Warring angels or princes' of heaven are to help the children of God in extreme, dangerous situations (2 Kings 6:18-19); such as the time Elisha stood on the side of a mountain with the Syrian army surrounding him. The King of Syria had ordered the demise of Elisha. 

We read about the mighty princes’ battle to bring Daniel’s answers to his three weeks of fasting and prayer (Daniel 10:11-15). These strong angels are organized into principalities and powers, sitting on thrones (Colossians 1:16; 2:18; Romans 8:38; Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Peter 3:22). They drive spirit horses (2 Kings 2:11-12) and guard gates (Revelation 21:12). 

Warring angels wage war in actual combat engagement (Revelation 12:7-9; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10) with angels ruling the nations (Daniel 10:13-21; 12:1). The stronger angels will bind Satan after Armageddon (Revelation 20) and other angels are responsible for guarding the abyss (Revelation 20:1-3). 

There are angles who lift up and strengthen the saints during times of trial (Matthew 4:11; Luke 22:43). These are also the angels who are dispatched to lead sinners to gospel workers when the sinners’ hearts are ready (Acts 10:3).

Angelic beings can appear in our dreams to give us God’s directions (Matthew 1:20-24).

Angels are discerning and wise, and they are swift travelers.  (Daniel 9:21; Rev. 14:8)

The angels are busy in the re-gathering of Jews to Israel. Thus, the angels also help in bringing about the fulfillment of biblical prophecy (Matthew 24:31).

Angels will accompany Christ back to earth during His second coming riding spirit horses (Matthew 16:27; 25:31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10).

Angels are the silent witnesses to the confessions of men. (Luke 15:8-9).

God’s laws are given by the angels (Acts 7:53; Hebrew 2:2)

The tree of life is guarded by angels (Genesis 3:24).

Men’s revelations are given by the angels of God (2 Kings 1:15; Daniel 8:19; 9:21-23; 10:10-20).

They impart God’s will as they are obedient to Him (Acts 5:19-20; 10:1-6).

It is important to remember that the unseen army of our protection stands all around us: "Don't be afraid!" Elisha told him. "For there are more on our side than on theirs!" (2 Kings 6:16; Romans 8:31; Psalm 118:6; Hebrews 13:6).  ~All About GOD

10 War Time Scriptures to Pray for the Nation and to Pray for Our Leaders

Let’s be in prayer for the leaders of our country; let’s join our hearts and offer up prayers for the nation and its leaders. We have weapons strong enough to destroy strongholds.   Armed with promises to trust God for, we CAN make a difference through the power of prayer!  

Lord, I come to You with this prayer for our land. You promise that when your people pray, humble themselves, and seek You, You will hear and answer. You even promise healing in the land.  Lord, our land needs healing and I believe it starts with me. I humble myself before You right here, right now. I’m seeking Your face. I ask You to grant me a repentant spirit so I may be an instrument that ushers in Your blessing for this nation. (II Chronicles 7:14)

Lord, we believe in Your sovereignty. We know You are the One who sets up rulers and kings. The buck stops with You. We pray for our leaders and future leaders…and those who elect them… to have wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, for these things come from You.
(Daniel 2:21)

Many of the things I hear coming out of the mouths of those in the media make me shudder, Lord. Fear of You is sorely lacking and I humble myself before You to beseech Your mercies on behalf of a people who don’t fear or acknowledge You. Forgive us, God! Strike a fear in the heart of Your people! Show us the seriousness of our sin and the holiness of Your majesty. Let us see and understand You as God… King… Sovereign One… Ruler of heaven and earth. And let us be wise!  (Proverbs 9:10)

Righteousness exalts a nation, Lord. Not flagrant personalities and foul speech. Not the boastful pride of man or “progressive” lifestyles or quick talking politicians who present themselves as the solution for the world.  Righteousness, Lord, righteousness is what we need. Oh Lord, let Your righteousness rain down on us and spring up from within every home and community in our land!  (Proverbs 14:34)

Lord, Your blessing has been upon this nation and I thank You for your kind mercies! But Your Word says the blessed nation is the one whose God is the Lord and our nation has turned from You.  God, on behalf of myself and my people, I confess our disregard of You. Bring Your people to repentance and let this nation once again be one who calls You “Lord.”
(Psalms 33:12)

Oh Lord, we need to see You as You truly are, not as what others say You are. Let Your people see You high and lifted up! Let us see You as holy. Let us understand Your nature, character, and sovereignty. Let us know Your word. Sweep across this land and reveal Yourself like never before. Let us know You, God!  (Isaiah 6:1)

God, call Your people to come out and be separate. All across this land, call  Your people to set aside worldly wisdom, pride and appearances, materialism, the need for approval, idolatry of all sorts. Lead us out and lead us up. We are a holy nation, a royal priesthood, set apart for worthy purposes. Stir in each and every heart to come out and be different!  
(II Corinthians 6:17)

Cause each of Your children to shine brightly in this dark land, Lord. Let each light take it’s place on a lampstand and draw others to You. May those without Christ see our good works and glorify You. We pray that many will come to know You and confess You as Lord. (Isaiah 60:1)

Lord, You promise that the gates of hell will not overcome Your church. You have a people and You have a plan that will not fail. No matter what, Your purposes will prevail. You are in Your church and indwell Your people. In this we take great hope. Strengthen Your people, Lord! Strengthen Your church in this country! Let us rise to the battle cry and faithfully stand firm! Stir up our passions and desires for purity, holiness, and intimacy with You. Let us walk in the unquenchable fire of Your Spirit.  (Matthew 16:18)

We pray for Your Kingdom to come, Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We know Your will is for righteousness, salvation, and truth. We pray for these things to define our lives, our marriages, our homes, our communities, and our nation. We ask for Your church to be vessels that usher in Your Kingdom and fulfill Your will. Grant us, Your servants, success as we seek to glorify Your name.  (Matthew 6:10)  

~Bits and Pieces of Study of Words and Dreams given to Deborah Webster Perry by the Holy Spirit.

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