Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Power of the Lord's Prayer

In a dream I heard my son cry out and I hurried to his room and started praying, "Our Father Who Art In Heaven".  As I prayed I started raising up in the air, I began repeating the prayer over him as if I were teaching it to him.  Then a door opened and I heard his Dad say, "Have you seen a werewolf?", and I woke up.  I felt it was a generational curse on his dad's side of the family that a door had been opened, so I also prayed this prayer:  

I rebuke the night wolves, hyena's and the jackals that would attack our family, city, or nation.  I command all foxes that would destroy our fruit to leave our lives, in the name of Jesus. I rebuke and bind every wild dog (represents false religion, witchcraft, and perversion) that would hound our lives.  We are delivered from the wild beasts of the dessert, in the name of Jesus.   (Hab. 1:8), (Matt. 12:24), (Ps. 22:16) (Isaiah 34:14) ~Prayers That Rout Demons by John Eckhardt 

The biblical meaning of Wolf - Heb. zeeb, frequently referred to in Scripture as an emblem of treachery and cruelty. Jacob's prophecy, "Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf" (Genesis 49:27), represents the warlike character of that tribe (see Judges 19-21). Isaiah represents the peace of Messiah's kingdom by the words, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb" ( Isaiah 11:6 ). The habits of the wolf are described in Jeremiah 5:6 ; Habakkuk 1:8 ; Zephaniah 3:3 ; Ezekiel 22:27 ; Matthew 7:15 ; 10:16 ; Acts 20:29. Wolves are still sometimes found in Palestine, and are the dread of shepherds, as of old.

Three very important personal, relevant lessons can be learned in Ezekiel. First is the importance of individual moral responsibility. Although it is true that God still blesses and corrects entire local churches (Rev. 2; 3), His primary dealings are with individuals.  As such, one cannot appeal to the righteousness of others as his righteousness nor need he fear personal correction for the sins of another.

Ezekiel teaches that though God is reluctant to discipline His people severely, He must.  He is a righteous and jealous God as much as He is merciful and forgiving.  Ezekiel assures us that God will ultimately triumph in history. His enemies may be winning battles now, but future judgment will totally destroy them.  

Two thousand years ago, when Jesus over came hell, death, and the grave, Jesus made it possible for whosoever believes in Him, to have the same power, to realize their potential and pursue their purpose, to rise above their limitations and their liabilities. You are also equipped to fly.  In other words, you’re created to rise above the circumstances, fashioned to soar on the winds of your existence by the power of the Holy Spirit!  Indeed, it’s by His Spirit that you achieve extraordinary things.  You accomplish mighty feats.  You receive the ability to advance even when the winds are against you.

Jesus taught on the subject of prayer, personal needs in Matthew 6 : 9-13 GNT.  Life in Jesus Christ is praying the will of heaven to be in the earth, to be in us.  I bless Your name, Jehovah-Jireh, the One Who sees my needs and provides for them. I honor Your name!

“This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven: May your holy name be honored; may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One, in the name of Jesus.’” 

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