Saturday, December 22, 2018

Holy Spirit Let me See a Glimpse of a Large Shoe of an Angel

For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.
Deuteronomy 20:4 ESV 

On October 14, 2018, while sitting at my desk, studying and praying, I happened to look down and in the Spirit, I saw a huge, white tennis shoe.  Knowing that it was an Angel, but as I looked at the shoe, I had the thought it looked like a Nike tennis shoe and then I was out of the Spirit.  I was frightened at first and then elated knowing I did see part of an angel, and wrote it down, wanting to research it later.

Biblical meaning of "shoes" I found:

1.  It is often considered some dreams are a direct message from God, and some symbols have significant importance in these dreams. Shoes are one of those objects, with a special symbolism in dreams. 

2.  They are often mentioned in the Bible and their symbolism is beyond human needs for protection of their feet and making their life easier. Most importantly, they are related to the subject of our direction and focus in life.

3.  Dreaming about looking at a pair of shoes. If you dreamed you were looking at a pair of shoes, such a dream might represent some path or a direction in life you are considering to take on in the future.

4.  Shoes have a special symbolism in the Bible. In fact, the Bible is maybe our oldest source to discover the symbolism of shoes. Shoes usually represent our faith in God and our readiness to serve God.

5.  They can also, symbolize victory over the enemy, being taken cared for by God, our humility before God, answering of our prayers, etc.

6.  Dreams about shoes, whether we have dreamed of losing our shoes, or having dirty shoes, needing to clean them, etc. can all be a message from God about possibly wandering off from his path.

7.  Shoes were considered as a symbol of power in ancient times. They were also a symbol of successful warriors.

Now, weeks later while on my laptop I received a notification that there was an added video from Patricia King.  Clicking on her program, Patricia was talking to a guest who had seen an Angel, in the past, who handed her a pair of tennis shoes and they were Niki's.  Needless to say, I was excited about what she had to say. 

Excerpt from video of Patricia King, Prophetic Vision:  On this episode of Everlasting Love TV, Patricia King features the next generation of prophetic voices and vision.  While you watch, you will meet Lana Vawser, one of the new prophets God is raising up, and you will hear the Word of the Lord for this hour – a word for you about acceleration and increase.  Are you ready for more? Are you ready for some breakthrough?  Are you ready for multiplication?  Watch now and hear Lana and Patricia proclaim the Word of the Lord for this season over your life.  

Prophetic Word given by Lana Vawser:  The word Niki, in it's Greek word context, is Victory and the Lord said in this season I am awakening my people to the revelation that they're already over-comers and that you're fighting from victory not for it.  And this season I am feeling, like we all have, that the Lord is decreeing breakthrough and this is a season of rapid acceleration.  And in the extension that's taking place that there's a shaking that's happening and God is bringing to the surface things that are in our heart and our soul that could potentially hold us back from the place of stepping into the breakthrough.  And I really feel this season that he is breaking limitations and really awakening us to the freedom that we all ready have.  

But thanks be to God, who gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57 ESV 

1 John 5:4-5 ESV 

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the Victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

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