Friday, December 30, 2011

Seeing and Hearing from the Heart

The heavens declare the glory of God;  and the firmament showeth His handiwork.  Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.  There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.  Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.  (Psalms 19:1-4)

This is a visual message, or a declaration of the of the Glory of God. 

Seeing and hearing from the heart.  Stir up the awareness of  seeing and hearing, but hearing from your seeing.  When we hear from our ears and we see from our physical eyes we take in understanding of our natural world.  But, when we start to switch those perceptions,  when we hear with our eyes and see with our ears, we go to another realm, because the perceptions are different than this natural realm.  So, we start to take ourselves into an uncustomary way of receiving what we are seeing.

The heavens are declaring the Glory of God.  They are speaking way beyond our imagination.  They are speaking of a Glory beyond what we can see.  When we see the stars, that what we see has already passed light years away.   And so, it is waiting on what we can fathom.  When I see the stars with my heart,  I get stirred into a love connection with the Creator and stars.  So, with seeing with the heart allows me to see the stars in a way I have never seen them before.  It is new every time when I am opening up my heart to see the stars from that perspective.  So, there is a silent language that we want to open up to.  We want to use this time to open that language.  Lines, shapes, colors, and textures are one language that can open us up to more of the Glory of God.  

Our brain was created in such a way that it can take in many, many languages to receive things.  We have known from scientific data that we don't use all the possibilities of  the languages within our brain.  We tend to settle for a more comfortable language, one that we are more fluent in.  We settle in that place of comfort and we don't allow the brain to open up to all the other kinds of possibilities of communicating and so we limit our perception of the Glory of God.  I would like to encourage you to expand your language possibilities.  The reason for that is that we were created for relationship.  The more languages that we can open our brain to the richer and fuller our relationships become.

~Bits and Pieces from seminar by Priscilla Williams.

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